

Atlas of Our Changing Environment

United Nations Environmental Programme


Increasing concern as to how human activities impact Africa’s environment has led to documentation and quantification of the changes taking place. Through a combination of more than 300 ground photographs, 150 maps, graphs, charts and especially 300 current and historical large format satellite images along with narrative based on extensive scientific evidence, this huge and colorful publication illustrates how humans have altered their surroundings and continue to make observable changes to each of Africas 53 countries. Very interesting especially for climbers and mountaineers, who pay attention to sustainable alpine-tourism and development: The visible changes in Africas great mountain regions are surprising - and in some places almost shocking!


This outstanding Atlas underscores the importance of developing, harnessing and sharing technologies that help provide deeper understanding of the dynamics of the changes. The precise words and stunning pictures within these pages also serve as a vivid reminder that Africa's environment is a source of livelihoods from many African communities. It contributes significantly to socio-economic development of the continent. The information provided are not only useful in the context of the selected locations, but also underscore the intrinsic value of the harnessing, visualizing and communicating technologies to gain a deeper understanding of the dynamics and impacts of Africa's changing environment. 


The very important and useful UNEP publication is of immense value to all those who want to know more about Africa and who care about the future of this continent, because: "A picture is worth a thousand words!"



Atlas of Our Changing Environment
United Nations Environmental Programme
ISBN 9789280728712
374 pages

300 satellite image pairs

300 photographs

150 maps, graphs, charts

Ships in 1-2 days - Berge von Büchern • Bücher über Berge • Bergbücher • Alpinliteratur

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