
One Planet Many People

Atlas of Our Changing Environment


United Nations Environmental Programme


The large size atlas provides a comprehensive, visual presentation of scientifically variable information, on changes in the global environment - both the good and the bad - acquired and assessed through modern remote sensing technology. This colorful hard-cover book contains photographs, satellite images, maps and narratives that provide insights into the many ways people around the world have changed, and continue to change, the environment: atmosphere, coastal areas, water, forests, crop- and grasslands, urban areas, mountains, tundra and polar regions.


The main purpose is to document visual evidence of global environmental changes resulting from natural processes and human-induced activities. To meet these objective, the atlas provides a sensational collection of spectacular "before and after" satellite image pairs on various themes for 80 sites around the world, over 30 environmental case studies supported by narratives, images and ground photographs and a compilation of recently released environmental maps.

It is a fantastic collection of maps and satellite images, which will enrich the environmental section of any serious library.


One Planet, Many People

Atlas of Our Changing Environment
United Nations Environmental Programme

322 pages
ISBN 92 807 2571 8
Ships in: 1-2 Days - Berge von Büchern • Bücher über Berge • Bergbücher • Alpinliteratur

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